The XII Egyptian dynasty, almost
four thousand years ago, began
the construction of a labyrinth,
described by the greek Strabone as:
“ .. a monument
not at all inferior
to the Pyramids...
a big palace,
made up of many smaller palaces, one for each ancient denomination
(of the provinces)... with intricate
intercommunicating corridors and
hidden passages,
so planned, that without a guide
no stranger could
find the way to enter or to reach
the exit...”
on an

As an explosion of our wealthy
ancestors' “plaisir du jeu”, we
come at last to the teaching of
committed gardeners, to experience
labyrinth journeys between
exciting perfumes exhaling from
plants and flowers;

from the maisons de Dédale of
the French Kingdom to the philosophic
which flourished in the
Italian peninsula, not to mention
the Alcazar of Seville, the doolhof
of the Dutch nobles' estates and
the gardens of the royal estate of
Hampton Court, created by the
will of William III of England.

We could broaden our topic to
Infinity, or even afford to begin
a new voyage destined to bring
us right to the heart of the
INTERNET, the last, most
fascinating and priceless
labyrinth ever built upon the Earth.

At every moment, the WEB universe
is accessed by new visitors, as if
it were an ineffable philosophic
garden offering to his guests,
with its best pages, colours and
sensations perpetually renewing;
everything conspiring to such a
degree that, once entered, it becomes
quite difficult to reach the exit.
If you long to publish pages of
high quality, as your button-hole
flower in this immense culture,
you can confidently turn to the


 s c r i v i m i


  • antiques
  • astrology
  • culture
  • exhibition
  • real estate
  • hotels
  • technique
  • tourism
  • stolen good

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    • March '98